Results for 'Audrey M. van Mersbergen'

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  1.  33
    Gaston Bachelard: Subversive Humanist: Texts and Readings.Audrey M. van Mersbergen & Mary McAllester Jones - 1993 - Substance 22 (2/3):358.
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    Gifted or Just Plain Smart?: Teaching the 99th Percentile Made Easier.Audrey M. Quinlan - 2017 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book is a practical guide for K-12 educators as well as parents of students who are identified as being in the top academic percentiles of the population.
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    Communication, cognition,... and the unconscious.M. Adriaensen & Gertrudis Van de Vijver - 1992 - Communication and Cognition: Monographies 25.
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    U. Zanetti, Les manuscrits d’Abü Maq'r.M. Van Esbroeck - 1988 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 81 (2).
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    Structural properties of amorphous silicon prepared from hydrogen-diluted silane.M. Zeman, G. van Elzakker, F. D. Tichelaar & P. Sutta - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (28-30):2435-2448.
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  6. An Anatomy of Moral Responsibility.M. Braham & M. van Hees - 2012 - Mind 121 (483):601-634.
    This paper examines the structure of moral responsibility for outcomes. A central feature of the analysis is a condition that we term the ‘avoidance potential’, which gives precision to the idea that moral responsibility implies a reasonable demand that an agent should have acted otherwise. We show how our theory can allocate moral responsibility to individuals in complex collective action problems, an issue that sometimes goes by the name of ‘the problem of many hands’. We also show how it allocates (...)
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  7. Computational Linguistic Aspects of Grammatical Inference, 30-31 March.M. Van Zaanen & C. De la Higuera - 2009 - The Reasoner 3 (5):10-10.
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    The pole expansion in normalized QED.M. Berrondo & J. F. Van Huele - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (5):711-719.
    We present a pole expansion for the propagators in the framework of normalized quantum electrodynamics and compare it with the more canonical results from S-matrix theory.
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  9. A response to rosenthal.Douglas A. Roberts & Audrey M. Chastko - 1991 - Science Education 75 (2):253-254.
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  10. Trois Commentaires anonymes sur le traité de l'Âme d'Aristote, Leuven, Nauwelaerts, 1971.M. Giele, F. Van Steenberghen & B. Bazan - 1971 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 33 (3):584-585.
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    Symposium: Cuypers' persoonlijke aangelegenheden.M. Meijsing, Ph Van Haute & St E. Cuypers - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (2):329-343.
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    Dialectiek van de vrijheid.M. Van den Nieuwenhuizen - 1968 - Assen,: Van Gorcum.
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    Markus 16:1-8 in die konteks van ’n konstniksie van die Markaanse gemeente.J. M. Strijdom & A. G. Van Aarde - 1990 - HTS Theological Studies 46 (1/2).
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    Symbolae ad Jus et Historiam Antiquitatis Pertinentes Julio Christiano Van Oven Dedicatae.Max Radin, M. David, B. A. van Groningen & E. M. Meijers - 1948 - American Journal of Philology 69 (4):442.
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  15. De hedendaagse mens en de symboliek van het kind.E. J. M. Van Zwet-De Wilde - 1984 - In E. de Jonghe, De mens in de internationale samenleving. Leuven: Acco.
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    Dirk Van Dalen: Festschrift.H. P. Barendregt, M. Bezem, D. van Dalen & J. W. Klop - 1993
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    Travels in the World of the Old Testament: Studies Presented to Professor M. A. Beek on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday.Jack M. Sasson, M. S. H. G. Heerma van Voss, Ph H. J. Houwink Ten Cate & N. A. van Uchelen - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):317.
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  18. Absorption, refraction, reflection: An exploration of beginning science teacher thinking.Douglas A. Roberts & Audrey M. Chastko - 1990 - Science Education 74 (2):197-224.
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    Evaluation of a virtual environment: the elementary spoken Chinese prototype.M. Li, Nicolas Van Vosselen, Stephane Gierts & Fernand Vandamme - 2003 - Communication and Cognition: Monographies 36 (3-4):257-275.
  20. Benelearn, 18-10 May.M. Van Zaanen, J. H. Stehouwer & M. G. J. van Erp - 2009 - The Reasoner 3 (7):10-11.
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    The Representation of Takeuti's ⫫-Operator.Roger M. Cooke & Michiel Van Lambalgen - 1983 - Studia Logica 42 (4):407-415.
    Gaisi Takeuti has recently proposed a new operation on orthomodular lattices L, ⫫: $\scr{P}\rightarrow L$ . The properties of ⫫ suggest that the value of ⫫ $$ corresponds to the degree in which the elements of A behave classically. To make this idea precise, we investigate the connection between structural properties of orthomodular lattices L and the existence of two-valued homomorphisms on L.
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    Neural constructivism or self-organization?Peter C. M. Molenaar & Han L. J. van der Maas - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (5):783-784.
    Three arguments are given to show that neural constructivism lacks an essential ingredient to explain cognitive development. Based on results in the theory of adaptive signal analysis, adaptive biological pattern information and self-organization in nonlinear systems of information processing, it is concluded that neural constructivism should be further extended to accommodate the occurrence of phase transitions generating qualitative development in the sense of Piaget.
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    Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics.M. Ferrero & Alwyn van der Merwe (eds.) - 1995 - Springer.
    For many physicists quantum theory contains strong conceptual difficulties, while for others the apparent conclusions about the reality of our physical world and the ways in which we discover that reality remain philosophically unacceptable. This book focuses on recent theoretical and experimental developments in the foundations of quantum physics, including topics such as the puzzles and paradoxes which appear when general relativity and quantum mechanics are combined; the emergence of classical properties from quantum mechanics; stochastic electrodynamics; EPR experiments and Bell's (...)
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  24.  44
    Participation in the Company of HBK-Spaarbank.M. Lambrechts & P. Van Steenbergen - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 21 (2/3):137 - 144.
    This paper relates the origin, the principles and the evolution of the financial participation in HBK-Spaarbank. This participation in the capital is concretized by the cooperative company Personnel Cooperative HBK. Founded in 1979, this cooperative company which represents all workers of HBK-Spaarbank has now become a very significant shareholder. At present it owns 22.50% of the capital of the savings bank.
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    Bookreviews.P. C. Beentjes, M. Parmentier, C. van Vliet, J. Vijgen, S. Hennecke, A. H. C. van Eijk, P. Schotsmans, M. Moyaert, H. J. Adriaanse, A. L. Molendijk & H. Strijards - 2004 - Bijdragen 65 (2):241-251.
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    Wenceslaus Hollar, Delineator of His TimeTeoria de la Sensibilidad.M. Stokstad, Katherine S. van Eerde & Xavier Rubert de Ventos - 1971 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29 (4):566.
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    Comments on a claim that some phenomenological statements may be a posteriori.M. M. Van de Pitte - 1984 - Metaphilosophy 15 (3-4):248-255.
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    The Notion of Group Rights in the Nicaraguan Constitution.David M. Speak & G. Lane Van Tassell - 1992 - Social Philosophy Today 7:411-423.
  29. Partiality, Modality, and Nonmonotonicity, Patrick Doherty, ed.Rogier M. Van Eijk - 1999 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 8 (2):251-254.
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    Age differences in preferences for emotionally-meaningful versus knowledge-related appeals.Julia C. M. Van Weert, Nadine Bol & Margot J. van der Goot - 2021 - Communications 46 (2):205-228.
    Socioemotional selectivity theory (SST), an influential life-span theory, suggests that older adults prefer persuasive messages that appeal to emotionally-meaningful goals over messages that appeal to knowledge-related goals, whereas younger adults do not show this preference. A mixed-factorial experiment was conducted to test whether older adults (≥65 years) differ from younger adults (25–45 years) in their preference for emotionally-meaningful appeals over knowledge-related appeals, when appeals are clearly developed in line with SST. For older adults we found the expected preference for emotionally-meaningful (...)
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    Berichtigungsliste der griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Agypten, III, 1.C. Bradford Welles, M. David, B. A. van Groningen, E. Kiessling, W. Peremans, E. Van'T. Dack, H. de Meulenaere & J. Ijsewijn - 1958 - American Journal of Philology 79 (1):107.
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    Naar Leeuweriken grijpen: Leuvense opstellen over metafysica.M. Moors, Jan van der Veken & Jozef van de Wiele (eds.) - 1994 - Leuven: Universitaire Pers.
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    Protagoras of Abdera: The Man, His Measure.Johannes M. Van Ophuijsen, Marlein van Raalte & Peter Stork (eds.) - 2013 - Boston: Brill.
    Protagoras of Abdera, Socrates’ older contemporary, is regarded as one of the most prominent representatives of the so-called sophistic movement. Instead of simply accepting the biased reports given by Plato and Aristotle about this sophist, the contributors to this volume review the complicated doxographical situation and make a case for Protagoras as a philosopher in his own right. Two major themes of this volume are Protagoras’ relativism and his case for a moral and political ideal, both of which are contrasted (...)
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    XXIII. The daily variation of the cosmic ray intensity measured near the 1954 sunspot minimum.M. Possener & I. J. Van Heerden - 1956 - Philosophical Magazine 1 (3):253-260.
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  35.  51
    Well-foundedness in Realizability.M. Hofmann, J. van Oosten & T. Streicher - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (7):795-805.
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    Evaluation and perceived results of moral case deliberation.R. M. Janssens, E. van Zadelhoff, G. van Loo, G. A. Widdershoven & B. A. Molewijk - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (8):870-880.
    Background: Moral case deliberation is increasingly becoming part of various Dutch healthcare organizations. Although some evaluation studies of moral case deliberation have been carried out, research into the results of moral case deliberation within aged care is scarce. Research questions: How did participants evaluate moral case deliberation? What has moral case deliberation brought to them? What has moral case deliberation contributed to care practice? Should moral case deliberation be further implemented and, if so, how? Research design: Quantitative analysis of a (...)
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    Perceived (In)justice of Public Land Acquisition.S. M. Holtslag-Broekhof, R. van Marwijk, R. Beunen & J. S. C. Wiskerke - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (2):167-184.
    Many studies have addressed the justice of public land acquisition, but few studies have addressed the question of what landowners perceive as just. Individual perceptions drive an important part of the social and scientific debates on legitimate and just land acquisition. This article addresses this gap by studying landowners’ and land purchasers’ perceptions of just land acquisition. We did this by uncovering the prevailing discourse on just land acquisition and studying the values that shaped people’s perceptions of just land acquisition. (...)
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  38.  49
    AIDS and Africa.Loretta M. Kopelman & Anton A. van Niekerk - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (2):139 – 142.
    Sub-Saharan Africa is the epicenter of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and in this issue of the Journal, seven authors discuss the moral, social and medical implications of having 70% of those stricken living in this area. Anton A. van Niekerk considers complexities of plague in this region (poverty, denial, poor leadership, illiteracy, women's vulnerability, and disenchantment of intimacy) and the importance of finding responses that empower its people. Solomon Benatar reinforces these issues, but also discusses the role of global politics in (...)
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    Walking Without Awareness.Ilse M. Harms, Joke H. van Dijken, Karel A. Brookhuis & Dick de Waard - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Reciprocal and coactivation commands are not sufficient to describe muscle activation patterns.C. C. A. M. Gielen & B. van Bolhuis - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):754-755.
    Recent results have shown that the relative activation of muscles is different for isometric contractions and for movements. These results exclude an explanation of muscle activation patterns by a combination ofreciprocal and coactivation commands. These results also indicate that joint stiffness is not uniquely determined and that it may be different for isometric contractions and movements.
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    Formal models of “resource depletion”.Hilde M. Huizenga, Maurits W. van der Molen, Anika Bexkens & Wery Pm van den Wildenberg - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (6):694-695.
    The opportunity cost model (OCM) aims to explain various phenomena, among which the finding that performance degrades if executive functions are used repeatedly (). We argue that an OCM account of resource depletion requires two unlikely assumptions, and we discuss an alternative that does not require these assumptions. This alternative model describes the interplay between executive function and motivation.
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    The role of meta-analysis and preregistration in assessing the evidence for cleansing effects.Robert M. Ross, Robbie C. M. van Aert, Olmo R. van den Akker & Michiel van Elk - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    Lee and Schwarz interpret meta-analytic research and replication studies as providing evidence for the robustness of cleansing effects. We argue that the currently available evidence is unconvincing because publication bias and the opportunistic use of researcher degrees of freedom appear to have inflated meta-analytic effect size estimates, and preregistered replications failed to find any evidence of cleansing effects.
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    Radiation damage near grain boundaries.M. Samaras, P. M. Derlet, H. Van Swygenhoven† & M. Victoria - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (31-34):3599-3607.
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    Reports from the netherlands. Dances with data.Loes Pijnenborg Johannes J. M. Van Delden - 1993 - Bioethics 7 (4):323-329.
    Book Reviews in this Article: Rationing America's Medical Care: The Oregon Plan and Beyond, edited by Martin A. Strosberg, Joshua M. Wiener, Robert Baker and I. Alan Fein. Bad Medicine: The Prescription Drug Industry in the Third World, by Milton Silverman, Mia Lydecker and Philip R. Lee. Stanford Feminist Perspectives in Medical Ethics, edited by Helen Bequaert Holmes and Laura M. Purdy, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana Choices in Health Care: A Report by the Government Committee on Choices in Health Care, (...)
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    The historical-hermeneutical prelude to the legacy of Karl Barth.G. M. M. Pelser & Andries G. Van Aarde - 2007 - HTS Theological Studies 63 (4).
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    Transformative Poetry. A General Introduction and a Case Study of Psalm 2.Archibald L. H. M. Van Wieringen - 2016 - Perichoresis 14 (2):3-20.
    The structure of Psalm 2 is based on direct speeches in the text. These direct speeches characterise the communication that takes place in the text. The text-immanent author addresses the text-immanent reader with a question in the first line and with a makarismos in the last line. The direct speeches of the characters enable the text-immanent reader to undergo a development in his striving towards the beatitude. In this development, the ‘now’ of the birth of the Anointed One / Son (...)
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  47. Generic Animalism.Andrew M. Bailey & Peter van Elswyk - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy 118 (8):405-429.
    The animalist says we are animals. This thesis is commonly understood as the universal generalization that all human persons are human animals. This article proposes an alternative: the thesis is a generic that admits of exceptions. We defend the resulting view, which we call ‘generic animalism’, and show its aptitude for diagnosing the limits of eight case-based objections to animalism.
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    Sex, Drugs, and Impulse Regulation: A Perspective on Reducing Transmission Risk Behavior and Improving Mental Health Among MSM Living With HIV.Rachel M. Arends, Thom J. van den Heuvel, Eline G. J. Foeken-Verwoert, Karin J. T. Grintjes, Hans J. G. Keizer, Aart H. Schene, André J. A. M. van der Ven & Arnt F. A. Schellekens - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A Grammar of Toba Batak.John M. Echols & H. N. van der Tuuk - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (2):251.
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    Beyond the Proxy Vote: Dialogues between Shareholder Activists and Corporations.Jeanne M. Logsdon & Harry J. Van Buren - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):353 - 365.
    The popular view of shareholder activism focuses on shareholder resolutions and the shareholder vote via proxy statements at the annual meeting, which is treated as a "David vs. Goliath" showdown between the small group of socially responsible investors and the powerful corporation. This article goes beyond the popular view to examine where the real action typically occurs-in the Dialogue process where corporations and shareholder activist groups mutually agree to ongoing communications to deal with a serious social issue. Use of the (...)
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